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EBICS order types

Many different order types are available for the transfer of files via EBICS. To use these order types for an EBICS contact in konfipay, click in the left-hand navigation bar on Master data and then EBICS. Select the EBICS contact in the list and click on Order types.

When setting up an EBICS contact, your bank automatically provides a list of the available order types (via the so-called HTD file), from which konfipay automatically reads the available order types for transmission and retrieval:

If you click on Refresh, the HTD file is retrieved and read out again by the bank and the order types are updated to the status of the HTD file. With Download you can also save the HTD file on your computer.


Here you can control the assignment of EBICS order types to payment types. The various payment types are permanently defined by konfipay and each is assigned an EBICS order type with which the corresponding payment is executed. For example: If the payment type SEPA credit transfer is assigned to the EBICS order type CCT, then all SEPA credit transfers are transferred in CCT format.

You can assign a different EBICS order type to a payment type by selecting the payment type and then clicking on Set order type. You can then select from the available order types.

Under Signing authority you will find the information for each order type which EBICS signature class your bank grants this EBICS contact for this order type and for which bank accounts.


Here you can control the assignment of EBICS order types to file retrievals. The available retrievable data, e.g. account transactions and earmarked items, are permanently defined by konfipay. If you select a retrieval format and click on Set order types button, you can assign one or more order types to the retrieval format.

Several order types are explicitly permitted here. For example, earmarked items are often made available via different EBICS order types (C52 and VMK), and the assignment of these two EBICS order types ensures that all available data is retrieved when earmarked items are retrieved.

With Activate or Deactivate, you can deactivate a retrieval format if required, in which case, for example, no more account transactions will be retrieved.

By clicking on Historic download in the toolbar, you can change the settings for the historical retrieval of transaction files. You can deactivate the historical retrieval here or activate the negative acknowledgement for historical retrievals.

Retrievable data is often only made available for retrieval once. Once they have been retrieved, they cannot be retrieved again without further ado. The historical retrieval function is available for this purpose - it can also be used to retrieve this data multiple times. As a rule, data that already exists in konfipay from a previous retrieval is then sorted out using a duplicate check. Alternatively, you can use the acknowledgement per API key to keep the datasets up to date using different API interfaces independently of each other.

In some exceptions, a historical retrieval may affect the productive database on the bank side - in this case you can activate the negative acknowledgement for historical retrievals.

Download (Misc)

Here you can define order types for the retrieval of miscellaneous files. These various files are not payment or transaction files, but for example PDF or text files that banks make available via EBICS due to special agreements.

To configure the retrieval of miscellaneous file types, click on Add in the toolbar. You can then select from the drop-down list of existing EBICS order types for miscellaneous files and assign the corresponding file format to the order type (e.g. PDF, TXT or CSV).

If you are missing an EBICS order type here, you may first need to configure it as an available order type - see the following section.

To delete a configuration for miscellaneous files, select it and choose the appropriate option in the toolbar Delete.


All EBICS order types that are available for an EBICS contact are collected here. Your bank automatically provides konfipay with a list of the available order types (so-called HTD file).

If you want to manually add other available order types (to set them up later for retrieval or transfer), click on Add.

First enter the 3-digit abbreviation of the order type and assign a unique name. Optionally, in the "IBAN" field, you can specify the bank account for which this order type may be transferred (see “signature authorizations” for upload). Also specify whether the order type is to be set up for transfer/upload or for retrieval/download. Finally, enter the EBICS signature class that is stored at the bank for this order type.

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