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Authorising payments with konfipaySign

This function is only available if the konfipaySign module is activated in your client.

Before you can authorise payments, you must first retrieve the open VEU orders from the bank server. To do this, you can click on Update in the toolbar. If the retrieval was successful and new VEU orders are available, they are displayed here in the list.


To view the details of a VEU order, double-click on the order or select it in the list and click on Details. To view or download the original file, click on File view in the toolbar.

In the file view of VEU orders, the user group permission management applies as usual - for example, wage and salary payments (PurposeCode: SALA) cannot be viewed here either if this has been defined accordingly in the user groups.

Authorise or cancel VEU order

You can authorise one or more orders by selecting them in the list and clicking on Sign. If the password for the EBICS key of the corresponding EBICS contact is not saved or must be entered manually, you must enter this password to carry out the release.

A window then opens in which the orders to be authorised are listed. You confirm the authorisation by clicking on Sign in the bottom right-hand corner. Once the payment has been approved, konfipaySign reports the corresponding status for the payment in this window:


Authorisation of the order


Positive feedback from the release

The procedure for canceling payments is identical to the approval process - select the relevant payments in the list and click on Cancel.

Which VEU orders are displayed?

Please note that the same VEU order can also be displayed several times in the list if you can provide a signature with several different EBICS contacts. Pay attention to the entry in the column Caller Subscriber ID. If you want to authorise a VEU order that is displayed multiple times with a specific EBICS contact, select the order in the list for which the correct EBICS contact is entered in the Caller Subscriber ID column.

By default, only VEU orders for which you can provide a signature are displayed here in the list. In the drop-down menu at the top left below the menu bar, you can instead choose to display all VEU orders, including those that cannot be signed by the contact making the retrieval. You can also restrict the orders to be displayed to certain clients.

Which VEU orders are not displayed?

Orders are hidden if the user does not have access to the retrieving EBICS contact. This is the case if the key of the EBICS contact is assigned to another user. As a result, all EBICS contacts that use this key are not displayed for the current user. Consequently, all corresponding VEU orders are also hidden. In addition, all VEU orders are hidden if the ordering party account is not displayed due to a user's rights restrictions.

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