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Submit payments

Under "Submit payments", you can transfer manually created payment orders to the bank.

Selection of files

In the upper table, the payment orders are grouped by payment type and ordering party account. You can select one or more groups of payment orders that you would like to transfer. You will then find the individual payments from the group listed in the lower table. If you do not select a group, clicking on Transfer will automatically transfer all outstanding payment orders.


If you have selected one or more groups of payment orders above, you can select the individual payments you wish to transfer in the table below. Then click on Transfer in the toolbar of the bottom table to initiate the transfer.

If you click on the Transfer button in the bottom table without selecting a single payment, all files from the bottom table are transferred at once.

Configure transmission

After you have selected the payments to be transferred and clicked on Transfer, you can configure a few more details for the transfer in the transfer window:


Individual or batch booking

In the bottom left at Booking as... you can specify whether the payments are to be transferred individually or as a batch booking. Batch bookings appear bundled as one item on the account statement, the individual payments are not shown. By default, payments are transferred as a batch booking.

The execution of payment orders as individual payments generally requires an agreement with the bank. Without this agreement, the bank will generally ignore this information and automatically book the payment orders as batch bookings.

Skip precheck

By default, konfipay carries out a preliminary check before transferring payment files to ensure that no professional or technical problems occur during the creation of the payment files. This check can be skipped by checking the box at the bottom left next to Skip precheck is set.

This can speed up the transfer of large amounts of data, but it can also lead to processing errors - skipping the preliminary check is therefore not recommended.

Carry out transfer

Once you have made all the settings, you can transfer the payments to the bank by clicking on Transfer payments.

Alternatively, you can just create an output file instead of transferring it to the bank. To do this, click on the arrow next to Transfer payments and select Generate output files. In the process, konfipay creates a payment file as it would be sent to the bank - you can then download this file and save it locally on your PC.

No files are transferred to the bank when an output file is created.

Select transmission path

If several EBICS contacts for manual payment transfer are assigned to the ordering party account (see bank account management of EBICS contacts), in the next step you may have to select which transmission path (EBICS or SRZ) and which EBICS contact you would like to use for the transfer.


Several criteria must be met for EBICS to be available here as a transmission channel:

  • The EBICS contacts must be fully initialized before they are available for selection for transmission

  • The user must have access to the EBICS keys of the contacts linked to the client account

Enter EBICS password

Depending on the configuration of the EBICS key of the selected EBICS contact, you may have to enter the EBICS password manually for each transfer. Check the automation settings of the corresponding EBICS contactif you want to change this setting.

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