Fetch transactions
Select EBICS contact
To fetch transaction files from your bank, select the EBICS contact for which you want to start fetching. If no contact is selected, all available contacts are automatically selected for fetching statements.
Define statement type
Specify which account statement file type you would like to retrieve:
Interim transactions are future transactions that are earmarked for booking at the bank.
Booked transactions are individual sales that have already been booked.
Batch transaction reports break down a batch booking into separate items. Whether these files are made available depends on your agreement with your bank.

Set fetch type and fetching period
Specify the period for which you want to fetch the corresponding transactions - a distinction is made between Available
and Historic
. When fetching available transactions, only the transactions that have not yet been fetched from the bank via EBICS are retrieved.
A historical retrieval, on the other hand, retrieves all transactions from the specified period once again. If transactions are retrieved twice, they are automatically sorted out using a duplicate check. This means that there are no errors in the database if transactions are fetched more than once.
Enter EBICS password
Depending on the configuration of your EBICS contacts, you must enter the EBICS password for the EBICS key used. Only then can the retrieval be carried out. This setting can be changed in the automation settings for the corresponding EBICS contact.