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Import (EN)

You can import payment and transaction files to konfipay manually. This option is available for all file types that can also be sent to or retrieved from konfipay via API.

Perform file import in konfipay

To import a file, first define the import format. Here you can choose whether it is a SEPA file (i.e. credit transfer or direct debit), a foreign credit transfer, an account transaction file or other banking files (various files). No further specification is required as konfipay automatically recognizes the file format.

For payment files, you should also specify what happens after the import. You can choose from the following options:

Import option


Import and transfer file

The file and the payment orders it contains are imported into the database and immediately transferred to the bank.

Import file

The file and the payment orders it contains are imported into the database and can later be transferred manually to the bank.

Import payment orders

The individual payments contained in the file are imported as open orders. They can then be processed in konfipay and transferred manually to the bank at a later date. The original payment file is not transferred to the konfipay database.

Then upload the files to be imported using drag-and-drop or via your computer's file explorer.


Option to display payment after completed import

Using the Show payments button, you can then call up the imported payments directly in the payment list and check their status.

Please note: If the EBICS contact used requires the password to be entered for manual transmission, the payments will not be transmitted directly. Instead, you must enter the password using Show payments to call up the payment list and transfer the payments from there, entering the EBICS password.

Possible applications of the import function

Transaction files from previously used software

The function can be used to import transaction files from previously used software, to be able to access the complete history in konfipay. All you need to do is export the transaction files from the previously used software and import them into konfipay as a bulk import.

External files

Payment files that are stored in a external ERP system can be imported here and transferred to the bank. Likewise, sales files that manually downloaded from a banking system are manually transferred to konfipay here.

Resubmit payments

Using the import function, payments can resubmitted, if, for example, the transfer from konfipay to the bank has failed. To do this, the failed payment must first be downloaded from the payments page and then imported again to carry out the transfer to the bank again.

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