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Payment history

The payment history provides an overview of payments and direct debits that have been transferred to a bank in the past. Here you can see the status of old payments or download old payment files.

Filter by payment status

You can filter past payments and direct debits according to their status. This means, for example, that you can display only successfully transferred payments or only incorrect payments.

Click on Filter by status on the top left and then select the status to be filtered by. In the top bar, you can reset the filter if necessary and quickly access the positive, negative and unclear statuses. You can also select individual statuses at the bottom.

If payments are missing in the payment history, remember to reset the filters. If filters are active, some payments may be hidden.

Payment details

To view details of an old payment, select the payment in the list. Then click at the top of the toolbar on Details to see the payment history in detail. There you can see the transfer process and get further information on the transfer (e.g. the EBICS contact used). You can also download the payment file or export it as a PDF for your records.

Restore payment orders

You can restore a past payment as a whole and transfer it again by selecting a payment in the history and clicking on Restore payments. The entire payment is then copied to the list of open payments and can be transferred again.

To restore only individual payment orders from a payment, select the payment and then click on Details. Select the tab Single payments. You will then see a list of all payment orders that were transferred with the file. To restore just a single order from the payment file, select the corresponding order in the list and then click on Restore payment.

Rejected payments (API)

Details of payments that are submitted via the API and rejected by konfipay can be found in the toolbar under Rejected payments (API). There you will find details of the reason for rejection and you can download the rejected file if required.

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