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Account transactions

Here you will find the account transactions for all your client's bank accounts. You may have to fetch account transactions so that current data can be seen here.

Configure view

To determine which transaction type should be displayed in which way, first click on the gray boxes with the current view settings in the top bar and select the desired transaction type, type of view and file source from the dropdowns.


Transaction view

If you use the transaction view, all account transactions for the selected account are listed individually in the table below:

You can use the date selector under the toolbar to define the time period for which transactions are to be displayed.

By using Details in the toolbar or by double-clicking on a transaction, you can view the transaction details and, for example, add a free text note visible to your colleagues.

Using Seen and Unseen In the toolbar, you can mark a transaction accordingly to indicate to yourself and your colleagues that you have already taken note of it.

File view

In the file view, the transactions are displayed in the table as they were provided by the bank, sorted in files:


API acknowledgement status of files

You can change the API acknowledgement status of files in the file view. The toolbar functions Mark as 'New' or Mark as 'Retrieved' affect the general, client-wide acknowledgement status. The file is then marked accordingly for all API keys that do not use the acknowledgement per API key. For the corresponding API keys, transactions that are marked as New are delivered during the API call. Transactions that have already been manually marked as Retrieved are not delivered when retrieved via the API.

You can use Key acknowledgements in the toolbar to view and change the acknowledgement status of a file individually for each API key that does use the acknowledgement per API key. To do this, select the file for which the acknowledgement status is to be changed from the list below and click on Key acknowledgements in the toolbar. Then select the key for which you want to change the individual acknowledgement status and click on Mark as 'New' or Mark as 'Retrieved'.


Transaction file download and detail view

Using the toolbar, you can display the original file with File and, if necessary Download the file.

In order to see individual bookings within a file, click on Postings in the toolbar. Then you can use Details in the toolbar or by double-clicking on a transaction to view the transaction details and, for example, add a free text note visible to your colleagues. Using Seen or Unseen In the toolbar, you can mark a transaction accordingly to indicate to you and your colleagues that you have already taken note of it:

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