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Version 3.6.6 (EN)

Released: 02.05.2023

Notes about this version

In preparation for a future konfipay update, this verison brings some adaptations regarding user premission management within the functional permissions. The permissions for payment transactions were restructured and a new permission area for payment partners was added.


The update includes an updated system for user permissions. The permissions related to payments are now divided into the areas of payment transactions and payment partner.

In the payment transactions area, permissions are now clearly separated by payment type and by permissible action. The following table compares the old and new permissions:



New permission area

The permission area payment partners has been added in preparation for a future konfipay update. The permissions include display, capture/edit and delete for payment partners.

In a future konfipay version, the master data of payees and payers will be summarized under the term payment partners.

In the current version 3.6.6, the permissions in the payment partner area do not affect the use of konfipay. The corresponding payment partner functions for these permissions will be introduced in a future update.

Adjusted permissions in the payments area

In the payments area, the user permissions now include a clearer separation of payment types and actions. For this, some old permissions were removed, split or otherwise changed. Some new permissions have also been introduced, some of which include old permissions.

The permissions area for payment transactions is now no longer called ISO20022 and SEPA payments, but more generally payment transactions.

For the standard konfipay user groups, the new permissions have been implemented in a way that ensures that their scope of permissions remains unchanged:

  • Full access → full access to "payment transactions" and "payment partners”

  • Management → no access to "payment transactions" and "payment partners”

  • User → full access to "payment transactions" and "payment partners”

  • Guest → full access to "payment transactions" and "payment partners”

The adjustments concern exclusively the functional permissions in konfipay. Content restrictions are unaffected by the changes.

Detailed overview of handling the old permissions

Following is a breakdown of each old permission and what has happened to it, as well as which new permissions it has been merged into. On the left is the old permission, on the right the new permission(s):



The permission is distributed to several new permissions.


The permission is removed. The function of the permission is covered by one or more new permissions.


The permission is combined with one or more other permissions to form a new permission.


The permission exists as before, only under a new name.


The permission now has a different effect.

ISO 20022 and SEPA payments
(old designation)


Payment transactions
(new designation)




  • Transfers - Display

  • Direct debits - Display

  • ISO 20022-/AZV-payments - displays

Show payment details


  • Transfers - show payment details

  • Direct debits - show payment details

  • ISO 20022-/AZV-payments - show payment details

View files


  • Transfers - show payment details

  • Direct debits - show payment details

  • ISO 20022-/AZV-payments - show payment details

The information presented in the payment files is to be equated with that of the payment details. Therefore, this permission has been removed. The right to view the payment files is now covered by the right to view the payment details.

Enter ISO 20022 bank transfer


  • ISO 20022/AZV payments - create and edit

Is combined with the following other permissions:

  • AZV payments > Capture

Execute ISO 20022 transfer


  • ISO 20022-/AZV-Payments - Execute

Is combined with the following other permissions:

  • AZV payments > Export

Enter SEPA bank transfer


  • Bank transfers - create and edit

Execute SEPA bank transfer


  • Transfers - Execute

Enter SEPA basic direct debit

renamed and adjusted

  • Direct debits - create and edit

Covers not only basic direct debits but also authorizations for corporate direct debits.

Execute SEPA basic direct debit

renamed and adjusted

  • Direct debits - Execute

Covers not only basic direct debits but also authorizations for corporate direct debits.



  • Bank transfers - create and edit

  • Direct debits - create and edit

  • ISO 20022/AZV payments - create and edit

In addition to manual entry, import is another option for including payment orders in the database. Therefore, the import will be covered by the respective authorization "Create and edit" in the future.

ISO 20022 and SEPA payments > Delete


  • Transfers - Delete

  • Direct debits - Delete

  • ISO 20022-/AZV-Payments - Delete

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