Version 3.5.3 (EN)
Published: 18.12.2021
Notes on this version
With this version, the stability and reliability of payment processing has been improved.
New functions
API setting - Asynchronous file processing: With this update, it is possible to carry out the processing for submitted payment transaction files asynchronously. Currently, payments are transmitted synchronously to the bank data center via the API as part of the submission. The API response message thus contains the feedback about the successful or failed upload to the bank data center.
A new API setting can now be used to specify whether the processing of submitted files should be synchronous or asynchronous. With asynchronous processing, the feedback to the client takes place directly after acceptance, the transfer to the bank data center is executed asynchronously in the background.Further information: API-Einstellungen

New API setting "Asynchronous file processing
Synchronous processing: The client immediately receives the feedback whether the transmission to the bank data center was successful or not. The response time of the API increases, however, because konfipay waits for the response of the bank data center. For the processing of large payment files (> 2mb) the Asynchronous processing is recommended, since synchronous processing can lead to a connection timeout.
Asynchronous processing: The client receives an immediate response from konfipay without waiting for the response from the bank data center for the file upload. This reduces the response time. In order to receive the processing status of the file, however, a separate query for the payment status is necessary at the API.
Automatic repetition in case of failed transmission attempts: In case of failed transmission attempts of a payment transaction file to a bank data center, the file was previously shown with a corresponding negative status and the process was terminated. To improve the stability of the submission, a time window has been created with this update, within which konfipay automatically tries to resubmit rejected files. This time window is maximum 30 minutes or until the file has been successfully transferred.
The retransmission in case of error is only triggered when submitting payment task files via the API. If the transmission is triggered manually by a user via the konfipay portal, the following occurs in case of error none try again.
Improved error analysis during payment transfer: The determination of the cause of a transmission error has been improved. Thus, in the future it can be determined more precisely whether a payment was successfully transferred or not. The case that the transmission status of a payment is unclear (
) thus occurs much less frequently.Improved logging of rejected payment files: In some cases rejected files were not logged by konfipay. The logging was not performed if the file structure was not correct to a certain extent. With this update, all rejected payment files will be listed in the Rejected Payments in the future.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where the subject specified by the user was not used for an email notification rule.