Version 3.5.2 (EN)
Published: 24.11.2021
Notes on this version
With this version, the processing of protocols (EBICS customer protocol and various protocols for the bank-side payment status) has been improved. In addition, several errors have been fixed.
Complete signature history for multiple log files: Until now, only the most recent log was taken into account for each payment order file. This had the consequence that the signature history was incomplete or completely lost. As of this update, all logs for a payment order file are taken into account. The logs belonging to a payment order file can be viewed in a new tab in the payment details.

New tab "Protocols" in the payment details
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented PayPal accounts from being deleted.
Fixed an error that caused the wrong ISO country code to be displayed when editing an EBICS contact.
Fixed an issue that caused an error when processing very large account turnover files (>200 Mb).
Fixed a bug where PayPal transactions could not be retrieved via the REST interface if the date was too far in the past.