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Version 3.5.1 (EN)

Published: 15.11.2021

Notes on this version

This version introduces a new API setting. This can be used to convert outdated payment order files in SEPA pain format into current payment formats. In addition, two errors in the areas Foreign trade payment and EBICS fixed.

New functions

  • API setting - conversion of obsolete SEPA pain versions: If this API setting is active, payment order files which no longer have a valid pain version according to the DFÜ agreement are automatically upgraded to a current pain version. From the 21 November 2021 the pain versions pain.001.002.03 and pain.008.002.02are no longer processed by the bank. The conversion takes place according to the following scheme:


  • Storage of original filesIf a SEPA payment order file was modified by konfipay during submission (e.g. by substituting characters not permitted under the DFÜ agreement), only the modified file was previously saved and transmitted to the bank data center. If the original file was changed by konfipay in any way, it will be saved as well in the future, so that changes made are transparent and traceable. The original file can be viewed via the new menu items "View original" or "Download original".

View/download the original file

Bug fixes

  • An error has been fixed where the wrong currency was displayed for DTAZV files (transfers in foreign payment transactions) in case of a euro countervalue payment.

  • An error has been fixed that in some cases led to the fact that EBICS accesses could not be deleted.

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