Version 3.3.1 (EN)
Published: 18.07.2021
Notes on this version
With this release, the manual creation and transmission of payment orders has been revised. In addition, a new API setting has been added.
New Features
API setting - Unique Message ID: This version introduces a new API setting. With this setting, the uniqueness of the message ID of a payment order file in SEPA or ISO 20022 format can be enforced. By activating this check, files will be rejected if a payment order file with this message ID already exists.
Further information: API Settings
Manual capture of payments: Manually captured payments are now no longer immediately transferred to the bank data center after saving. Captured payments are now placed in a queue until a manual transfer is initiated by a user. The decoupling of capture and transmission allows more flexibility in the design of the workflow.
Further information: Create Payment

New overview of created payments (right)
Anpassung der Zahlungsübersicht: In der Zahlungsübersicht werden nun die Währungen der Zahlungsaufträge einer Zahlungsauftragsdatei angezeigt. Die Spalte Typ wurde in Zahlart umbenannt und die Abkürzungen wurden durch ausgeschriebene Bezeichnungen für die jeweilige Zahlart ersetzt.
Weitere Informationen: Payments
Adjustment of the payment overview: The currencies of the payment orders of a payment order file are now displayed in the payment overview. The column Typ has been renamed to Zahlart and the abbreviations have been replaced with full names for the respective payment type.
Further information: Payments

New columns currency and payment type