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New functions and highlights

With the new version, konfipay is entering a new era. A new design, more diverse functions, greater convenience and even better performance simplify your everyday payment transactions.

Enjoy the new version - we look forward to hearing your feedback!

Effortless installation as a Progressive Web App

You now have the option of installing konfipay as a Progressive Web App. This means that you can install the app locally via your browser with just a few clicks without having to download it manually. Once installed, the app is immediately available on your PC and in the taskbar. This gives you quick access to your payment data anytime and anywhere.

Installation of konfipay as a Progressive Web App in seconds

Improved behavior with large amounts of data

Powerful optimizations ensure better and smoother processing of large amounts of data. Thanks to asynchronous data processing, you can simply continue working while konfipay retrieves data in the background.

Brand new notification system

konfipay now notifies you about your work steps and about completed or failed background processes. With the new notification system, you can keep track of your work at all times!

Notification system when retrieving account transactions

EBICS setup made easy

Thanks to the revised workflow, setting up an EBICS contact is clearer and easier than ever before. The new EBICS wizard guides you step by step through the set-up process.

Initializing an EBICS contact with the new EBICS wizard

New customization options

Because every user has different needs, you can customize the user interface in the new konfipay app according to your wishes and save these customizations across sessions and devices. Configure your konfipay homepage to suit your needs and find the information that is relevant to you at first glance.

Completely revised payment transactions

We have completely overhauled payment transactions and now offer you comprehensive master data management for payees and debtors. You can process payment orders and combine them into SEPA batch bookings. Save yourself the hassle of typing by restoring payments that have already been transferred from the history.

Restore a transferred payment file from the history

Bilingual payment experience

konfipay is now available in two languages: English and German. This makes it easier to use and communicate in international payment environments and for international users.

Revised rights management for users

The function authorizations and content restrictions in konfipay are now more intuitive to use. Check the authorizations of each individual user in the new clear authorization matrix:

Overview of a user's functional authorizations

Content restrictions of a user at a glance

New table functions

konfipay uses a new technology to display data in tables. This offers you even better options for managing your payment data. Within a table, you can now filter columns, group data by column, hide columns and rearrange them.

Search for the account with IBAN "CH72". Left: Grouping by column, right: Column filter

Account balances over time

The completely new display of account balances shows you immediately how your account balances have developed over time.

Chronological presentation of the account balance

Presentation of totals & balances

konfipay now automatically displays totals in some tables. Opening and closing balances are displayed for account transactions.

Display of totals in a table

Display of opening and closing balance for account transactions

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