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API communication

Here you will find a detailed log of your client's API communication. All access via the API is recorded here, so you can see when which interaction between external applications and the API took place and whether this interaction was successful.

You can completely deactivate the logging of API communication here by clicking on Deactivate protocol.

API communication with details of a request

Communication details

You can select an entry in the list to see details of the corresponding API access and the full text of the request and response.

The following information is available:




The exact time at which the communication took place


The HTTP request method sent to the konfipay server


The API URL used for the request

Request Header

The HTTP request headers set by the client

Request Content

The HTTP request content transmitted by the client

Response status

The status reported back by the server

Response header

The HTTP response headers set by the server

Response Content

The HTTP response content transmitted by the server

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